Friday, July 8, 2016

Create 1.1.1

I have been fortunate enough to always have pretty good time management and I do not enjoy procrastination.  In fact, I have often said "I must get my work done before I can play!" However, there are some pretty amazing tech tools that could help me be more efficient with my time or help those who struggle with completing tasks in a timely manner.

Remember the Milk is an IOS app that you can use to ask Siri to help you remember to do certain tasks.  You can them import those tasks onto your calendar for the day.  This app would be helpful for online teachers to remember to turn in their progress reports on time - you could set up a specific time/date to get it done!

Ga Virtual has moved from Google to Microsoft and with that we have access to OneNote. OneNote is a great note-taking app that allows multiple users to compile ideas or research into one file.  An online instructor could use this to collaborate with others on News Items (copy and paste HTML codes), synchronous sessions and many other aspects of the online environment!

StayFocusd is a google extension that I think our students might find very helpful! We know that students often struggle with ignoring the plethora of online distractions and this google extension will block those for students during a certain time of day.  So if you a student decides to do his/her work between 5-7pm, then they can block Facebook, Twitter, etc for those hours.  We may need this for phones too! is another cool collaborative tool that I could see Ga Virtual instructors using! You can create a list of extra resources for students and each instructor could add to it and comment on their favorites.  This list could be shared with students so then they have access to some excellent additional resources.

My last tool is a planner! I use a paper planner because writing things down is how I remember them.  If that is not your style, then I think using an online calendar is a great option as well.  As long as it is something you look at each day, scheduling really helps to get organized and get items done on the to do list!

*This post is the collaborative work between Alice Johnson, Heather McCormick and Cameron Wood.

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