As I have worked with Ga Virtual, it has been nice to explore different roles within the GaVS environment. I have worked as an instructor, a reviewer and also a developer. Developing has been the most challenging, but rewarding role I've held. I like development because I enjoy creating content and thinking about how students will best learn new topics. However, it can also be challenging because you don't get to "test" it out on students prior to them starting the course and the content being finalized! This insight into development gave me more understanding of the inner workings of Ga Virtual.
Online teachers utilize the SIS to access student information, records and keep track of important communication. Teachers use the LMS to access the pre-made content, grade student work and facilitate student learning.
Administrators use the SIS to monitor student progress and teacher communication, as well as accessing student information and records. Administrators also monitor teacher instruction via the LMS by looking at things like News Announcements and management of grading policies.
Facilitators use the SIS to monitor students progress and check in with students at their face-to-face school to help monitor their progress and encourage them to work hard!
The Development Department is built of the SME who writes the content and the development expert who puts it into BrightSpace and makes it look awesome!
All of these people are there to help students succeed and learn!
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