Working online can be a time-suck. What I mean by that is there is ALWAYS something I can do to continue working, and since I am at home it is hard to always set it aside and do something for myself. I get my emails on my phone and at times, I feel as though I must respond right away - but when you stop to think about it, this is not life or death and I should not feel slave to my email! So, I scheduled a dinner for tonight with some college friends and I put a reminder in my phone to "Put it down!"
We can encourage students to guard their well-being by encouraging them to pace themselves. Over the summer, I tell students they should work for 2-3 hours a day (for an AB course) but thats it. They need to learn to give themselves a break and should still be able to enjoy their summer! I have found that giving myself specific times to do work helps and hopefully that would help my students!
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